Finding out what content management system (CMS) your fellow web developer uses can be tricky, to say the least. Most developers these days use one of two main back-end systems: WordPress or Drupal.

WordPress is a very popular website platform that allows you to create and edit pages, posts, and sites easily. It comes with lots of plugins and themes built off it, making it more customizable than other platforms.

Drupal is another powerful option that has become increasingly common. Like WordPress, it is easy to get started using it! There are many things you can do with it, such as creating blogs, forums, and even mobile apps.

This article will talk about which ones are best for different types of websites and situations.

WordPress MU

If you are looking to start your own website, or are already running an established site but want to switch out your content management system (CMS), then choose from the many beginner-friendly options like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla!

All three of these systems have easy installation processes that don’t require advanced coding skills. Some even have free versions you can use before investing in their paid counterparts.

WordPress is one of the most well-known platforms out there, so choosing this as your top pick will ensure lots of support. It also boasts some of the highest amounts of active users and contributors.

There are several types of blogs and websites using WordPress, such as business sites, personal blogs, magazine style sites, and more. Since it offers plenty of customization, you could probably find the perfect theme for almost any type of site.

Ruby on Rails

What CMS do web developers use?

Ruby on Rails is a popular open source web framework that has seen explosive growth in popularity over the past few years. Technology trends seem to quickly shift, making it hard to keep up with what’s current and what will be around for long.

When it comes down to it, most people agree that using a well-designed UI/UX is an integral part of creating a successful website or app.

And even more important than having a pretty look, being easy to navigate and understand is a key factor in engagement and success. When choosing which platform to use, make sure you have some way to create a site using this software!

That’s where things get tricky. There are so many different types of platforms and software developers choose one over another depending on their personal preference. Some may prefer coding directly into the platform, while others find it easier to learn separate tools. No matter what system someone uses, they should at least know how to customize colors and styles to match their unique style.

In this article we’ll take a closer look at why ruby on rails is such a dominating force in the world of content management systems (CMS). We’ll also talk about some reasons why it is becoming less common as the go-to choice among web designers and developer.

Adobe Creative Suite

What CMS do web developers use?

As of this writing, there are six major players in the content management system (CMS) market. These include WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Netlify, Ghost, and StudioPress.

There are many reasons to use one CMS over another. It really comes down to personal preference.

Some like one better than the other for usability or looks. Some feel that one is more intuitive for users who do not have programming experience. There may be specific features that one offers that the others do not.

It is important to remember that even though one might seem superior, none are truly best unless you create the most effective websites with them. Each has their strengths and weaknesses which depend on what you want your website to accomplish.

Adobe Photoshop

What CMS do web developers use?

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful free software package that most people have at least heard of, if not used it before. It is typically known for its photo editing features but it also has a feature called Content-Tracing which allows you to create web pages or websites using it!

Adobe Photoshop content tracing allows you to trace an element such as a picture or header image and then use that traced piece in another place on your site. For example, say you wanted to add some pictures and headers onto a website design template. You could take one of the pictured headers from the template and edit it in Adobe Photoshop and use it as a header for your own website!

This is a very helpful tool to know about since you can easily grab pieces of material and incorporate them into other sites. There are even online courses where you can learn how to do this!

Fun fact: Some versions of Photoshop come with limited trial accounts so you don’t need to pay money for it until you decide you want to keep going.